Join MIT Global Studies and Languages for our Brown Bag Lunch Series: informal presentations on current research by faculty, lecturers, post-docs, and visiting scholars. Light lunch provided.

“From Plague to Cholera: Disaster, Politics, and Civic Responsibility.”

Marie-Helene Huet, affiliate faculty in French Studies, will discuss the transformation of popular beliefs regarding contagious diseases and the political responses to the great epidemics that struck Europe in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries.

Many of the issues raised by epidemics involved patterns of seclusion and exclusions that deeply affected the relationship between the subject and the state, throwing light on measures taken recently to control the AIDS crisis, the Ebola fever, and the Haiti cholera epidemic.


Thursday, April 20 • 1:00PM • 14E-304 – Corey Johnson, GSL Pre-doctoral Fellow, “Margaret Mead’s Polynesian Footnotes: Ethnography and the American Literary Archive”

Friday, April 28 • 1:00PM • 14E-304 – Pedagogy Roundtable “Teaching Culture Through Video Content”
with GSL Instructors Margarita Ribas Groeger, Mariana San Martin, Leanna Bridge Rezvani, and Min-Min Liang