May 19-21, 2016
Harvard University (Mahindra Humanities Center) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MediaLab Extension)
Organizers and contacts: Sylvaine Guyot: & Jeffrey Ravel:
Speakers include a a broad list of scholars from the United States and France.
Thur-Fri, May 19-20, proceedings in Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard / Thompson Room.
Friday, May 20 theatrical presentation (in French) “Séance théâtrale” at 7pm, MIT, Killian Hall (Building 14)
Sat., May 21 – “Hack-a-thon” MIT, Media Lab Extension, 6th Floor (Building E14)
sponsored by : Partner University Fund, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Harvard RLL Department, the Robert F. Bacon Fund, the Anne and Jim Rothenberg Fund for Humanities Research at Harvard, the Harvard Provostial Fund for the Arts and Humanities, MIT Office of the Dean of HASS, MIT Global Studies and Languages, MIT History Faculty, The Houghton Library, IDEFI-CréaTIC.