Global Languages Spring Fest was held April 24 in the Bush Room. The event is a salute to our graduating seniors and student award-winners, and a celebration of the Global Languages community!
Per Urlaub joined Global Languages as Director this year.
Global Languages was delighted to kick-off the event with a dance by four members of MIT’s Ukrainian Folk Dance Ensemble, which was enthusiastically received by the 70-plus attendees at Global Languages Spring Fest. Global Languages Director Per Urlaub welcomed attendees and emceed the event. Following good food and lively award presentations, the floor was opened for a “community share” in which a number of students stepped forward to explain their experiences in the language classrooms at MIT, and how it impacted their lives.
The list of awardees included:
First Prize winner of the Student Award for Excellence, Michael Sutton
Margarita Ribas Groeger Distinguished Scholar, Theo St. Francis
Ellen Crocker Distinguished Scholar, Nghi Nguyen
Jing Wang Memorial Prize, Anna Chau and Stanley Chen
Miyagawa Japanese Prize, Rawisara Lohanimit (first prize), and Madison Bronnimann, and Brandon Wong (second prize)
The de Courtivron Writing Prize Kenny Logan (first prize), Alexandra Nwigwe (second prize), and Layal Barakat, Sophie Vulpe, and Cindy J. Xie (Honorable Mentions)
Global Languages Excellence Award First Prize winner Michael Sutton (left) with Lecturer in Portuguese, Nilma Dominique (right)
Margarita Ribas Groeger Distinguished Scholar awardee, Theo St. Francis
From left to right: Miyagawa Prize winners Brandon Wong, Madison Bronnimann, Rawisara Lohanimit, and Lecturer in Japanese Wakana Maekawa
Left: Anna Chau, winner of Jing Wang Memorial Prize; Right: Lecturer in Chinese Tong Chen
Left: Jing Wang Memorial Prize winner Stanley Chen; Right: Lecturer in Chinese Panpan Gao
First Prize winner of de Courtivron Writing Prize, Kenny Logan
MIT’s Ukrainian Folk Dance Ensemble performed at the event.
Many Global Languages lecturers were in attendance (Left: Maria Khotimsky, Russian; Right: Javier Barroso, Spanish)
Lecturer in Spanish, Ana Yáñez Rodríguez
Eva Dessein joined Global Languages this year as Senior Lecturer in French
Students show their “love” for Global Languages!
Lecturer in French, Cathy Culot