Awarded annually, the MIT Award for Excellence in Global Languages is presented to outstanding students who best reflect the unit’s goals for achievement of proficiency in language, cultural understanding and enthusiasm in language learning. Entries are judged by a panel of Global Languages lecturers.
Students will self-nominate by completing a downloadable application form and providing it to a Global Languages instructor or affiliated faculty member by March 11, 2022, who will endorse their nomination. Students may approach only one instructor/faculty member for their endorsement.
Once the winners are selected by the committee, all the applicants will be informed by email of the results. The winners of this and the other students awards (Miyagawa Japanese Prize, Isabelle de Courtivron Writing Prize) will be announced to the whole Global Languages community on April 18th, via the website. We will honor award recipients at the virtual Spring Fest, our end of the year celebration, on April 25th.