• Emma Teng was a speaker at a number of events in February and March: Speaker, Humanitarian Panel on migration and refugees, HPAIR conference, Harvard, February; Keynote speaker, Conference for Chinese and Japanese Language K-12 Teachers, Primary Source, Boston College High School, March; Plenary speaker, Harvard 2017 Conference on International History, Harvard, March; Invited speaker, “Journal of Asian Studies at the Association for Asian Studies” Roundtable, Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, March.
• Bruno Perreau gave a keynote on “Minority Presence: Revisiting Representation,” on February 2, at the Harvard Kennedy School. In March, he presented his book Queer Theory: the French Response at Stanford Humanities Center, at Princeton University (Department of French and Italian), and at the Mahindra Center (Harvard University).
• Dagmar Jaeger was invited as a guest lecturer to give a two-day seminar on Franz Kafka’s literary works at the “Jerusalem and Athens Forum” at Gordon College, MA. The two-day seminar took place March 28 and March 30.
• Paul Roquet gave a talk titled “The Space of Japanese Artist Animation,” and showed a video work, Nightlights (2012), at the Media Studies and Popular Culture in Contemporary Japan conference at Syracuse University, February 25. He also gave a talk for the CMS/W colloquium series at MIT on March 2, entitled “Desktop Reveries: Hand, Software, and the Space of Japanese Artist Animation.” A podcast of the talk available here.
• Sabine Levet gave a presentation titled “Online Communication Tools and Intercultural Competence,” at NECTFL Conference, New York, NY, February. On February 16, 2017, she presented “The Cultura Project,” at the World Languages Center, Northeastern University, Boston.
• Maria Khotimsky attended the annual conference of Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages in San Francisco, February 2-5, where she presented a paper “Keeping the Classroom Current: Incorporating News and Cultural Events in First and Second-Year Russian Curriculum”; and organized a panel stream devoted to translation, including 2 panels, a roundtable, and a poetry translation workshop.
• Paloma Duong presented at a number of events in February and March: “A Hundred Ways to be Postsocialist,” Program in Latin American Studies (PLAS), Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 7; “The Commodification of Culture and the Cultural Life of Commodities in the New Cuba,” Cuban Studies Program, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, February 10; Invited participant/presenter at Critical Theory Workshop, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT, March 4-6.
• A. C. Kemp spoke about the process of creating her International Teaching Assistant video training series, “The User-Friendly Classroom,” as part of a panel entitled “Start to Finish: Materials Development for ITAs.” The panel, which also included speakers from Harvard and the University of Delaware, took place at the TESOL conference in Seattle, Washington on March 22. The User-Friendly Classroom, which is available on OpenCourseWare, was produced with funding from The Gilberte Furstenberg & Douglas Morgenstern Fund for Innovation in Langauge Instruction and The Alumni Class Funds.
• Haohsiang Liao gave a keynote speech at The First India-Taiwan Bilateral Forum on Mandarin Chinese Course Materials for Indian Learners on March 11, at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, India. His presentation was entitled “Chinese Language Materials Design: Topic Selections and Teaching Manifestation.”
• Jane Dunphy presented a paper as part of an academic panel “Content 2.0: Reimagining the Role of Content in L2 Writing” at the International TESOL Conference in Seattle, WA, on March 24. This panel of scholar-practitioners explored how content-driven L2 writing instruction can benefit our students, our institutions, and ourselves as TESOL professionals. We present research findings and course models that engage content in innovative ways, contributing to wider institutional goals and challenging the disciplinary “division of labor.”
• Marie-Hélène Huet gave a lecture at the University of Paris-Sorbonne entitled “Cartes, Atlas et Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingt jours,” on February 3. She also gave a lecture at the University of Georgia on “Disasters and Civic Responsibility,” on March 17.
• Leanna Rezvani organized a panel entitled, “Questions of Authority, Mediation, and Literary Tradition in Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron” for the Renaissance Society of America Conference on March 30 in Chicago. She also presented a paper, “Beyond Boccaccio: Rethinking the Heptaméron’s Sources.”
• Shigeru Miyagawa’s new book Agreement Beyond Phi, was featured on MIT News.
• Bruno Perreau was a guest on France Culture, the French national radio station. He presented the book he co-edited with Joan W. Scott for the broadcast: “Divers aspects de la pensée contemporaine.” The interview was broadcasted on March 26.
• Ian Condry was the co-organizer, moderator, and panelist for the Art / Protest/ Value event, and Dissolve Inequality: Visual Arts Summit.
• Bettina Stoetzer organized and moderated the film screening “Filming the Future from Berlin: Noncitizen Perspectives on Refugees in Crisis,” March 6. She will also be the moderator and presenter on one of the panels of the Symposium “Being Material,” hosted by the MIT CAST (Center for Art, Science, and Technology) on April 21-22.
• Leanna Rezvani took a group of French students to see Paris Combo, a concert at Somerville Theatre on February 25th. PHOTO.
• Paloma Duong co-organized with ACT the event “Can Aesthetics Disarm Oppression?”, with responses from Paloma Duong and Laura Serejo Genes SMACT ’18.
• Emma Teng’s exhibit “China Comes to Tech: 1877-1931” was launched on February 10, with an opening reception and lecture, PHOTO. The exhibit was featured in a number of newspapers, MIT News, China Daily, Asia Times, Sing Dao Daily, World Journal on two different occasions, here and here, Sampan English, Sampan Chinese, Epoch Times, and Epoch Times E-Paper Archives. Emma Teng was also interviewed by SinoVision Television, and the Christian Science Monitor.
The exhibit has a companion website China Comes to MIT with a child-friendly counterpart, China4Kids, meant as a K-12 outreach resource. “China Comes to Tech:1877-1931” is on display February – November 2017 at MIT’s Maihaugen Gallery to commemorate the 140 years of Chinese students at the Institute.