Global Studies and Languages faculty and instructors are active in their fields. Below is a sampling of recent happenings.

Awards and honors

  • Professor Jing Wang has received the Radcliffe Institute Fellowship and will be in residence at Harvard starting January 2016.
  • Catherine Clark just learned that she was awarded a Residential Fellow at the Camargo Foundation in Cassis, France for Spring 2016.
  • Five Global Studies and Languages instructors have won the Levitan teaching award. The five awardees are Professor Jing Wang, Senior Lecturers Takako Aikawa and Haohsiang Liao, and Lecturers Jin Zhang and Min-Min Liang. The 2015 Levitan Teaching Award is given by the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences to recognize instructors who have demonstrated outstanding success in teaching. All recipients were nominated by MIT students.

In the media

  • BBC takes up Professor Shigeru Miyagawa‘s work on language evolution in a program about songbird and human language. It airs Tuesday, May 12 at 11 am GBT (6 am Boston) on BBC’s Radio 4. After that it will be available on the BBC’s website. The website also contains a short (50 second) video about Miyagawa’s work. Miyagawa was also featured in a podcast.
  • Professor Ian Condry‘s picture showed up in the “Names” section of the Boston Globe when he chaired a panel in the Hip Hop Lecture Series at which Killer Mike spoke.
  • Professor Bruno Perreau was interviewed by the Standford Humanities Center about his research.
  • Professor Catherine Clark made an appearance on French radio to talk about the 1970 amateur photo contest that she works on, C’était Paris en 1970.”


Conferences, workshops, lectures

  • Professor Ian Condry presented “J-Rap, AKB48, and Miku: Japan’s Musical Creativity in an Age of Free” for the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Music at the University of California, Santa Barbara, May 6.
  • Assistant Professor Catherine Clark presented papers at the following conferences: The American Historical Association Conference in January in New York City; A Conference about France and East/Southeast Asia at the Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies at Florida State University in February; The CMS/W Colloquium at MIT in March “Media And Memory At The Vidéothèque De Paris” (listen to podcast); The Devices of the Humanities Conference at MIT in April; and The Society for French Historical Studies Conference in Colorado Springs in April.
  • Professor Emerita Elizabeth Garrels was invited to Spain to give two lectures this spring. In January, she gave a talk, “La forma ficcional de los epígrafes del Facundo,  y más sobre la digitalización de la literatura del siglo XIX,” at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Oviedo. In February, her lecture was entitled, “Los epígrafes del Facundo:  La filología da un salto adelante con la digitalización del siglo XIX y Google Libros da un salto atrás con la comercialización de su archivo,” at  the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Sevilla.
  • Professor Emma Teng was invited to deliver one of the Distinguished Lectures in Taiwan Studies at McGill University in Montréal in April. Teng presented at a number of conferences this spring. Among the papers she delivered was “Food Pornographers or Ladies Who Lunch? Reassessing Early Chinese American Women’s Culinary Writing,” delivered at the Consuming Food, Producing Culture Symposium cosponsored by WGS and GSL at MIT in February; and “Mixed in Asian America: Changing Racial Ideologies and Identities,” at Boston University in April. She has been accepted to the Reading Historical Cookbooks Seminar at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study this June, and invited to a workshop at the Academy of East Asian Studies at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul.
  • In March, Professor Bruno Perreau presented “The Power of Theory. Same-Sex Marriage, Education, and Gender Panic in France,” at the Stanford Humanities Center.
  • Jane Dunphy, Senior Lecturer in English Language Studies spent spring 2015 semester at Yasar University in Izmir, Turkey, as visiting faculty in the School of Foreign Language. She presented at several conferences in March and April (previously reported). Her latest presentation was at a conference on “Post-method Era in English Language Teaching” at Istnabul-Bilgi U., where she gave a keynote address on “English Language Teacher as Culture & Communication Coach”
  • In February, Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies, Takako Aikawa, presented “Challenges for English into Japanese Machine Translation (MT): Can We Embrace MT for Language Learning?” an invited Lecture at the Center for Japanese Studies at the  University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In March she presented “AP-level Japanese MOOC: Shall we dance?” at the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) Annual Spring Conference in Chicago.
  • GSL lecturers presented at the Northeast Modern Language Association Convention in Toronto, Canada. Senior Spanish Studies Lecturer, Margarita Groeger, chaired the Digital Tools for Enhancing Communicative Skills in Task-Based Language Teaching panel. She presented “Language Tasks Beyond the Classroom: Pedagogical Applications of Digital Tools.” At the same panel, Dagmar Jaeger gave a talk on “Teaching Multiple Literacies via Voicethread”
  • In April, Chinese Studies Lecturer Min-Min Liang presented “Responsive Classroom: Classroom Interaction for Active Learning,” Professional Development Webinar workshop for the Language Education and Research Center in Santa Clara, California. In May Liang presented “Transforming Project-based Learning and Inquiry-based Language Learning in Mandarin Classrooms” at the 13th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese at Pace University.
  • In May, Chinese Studies Lecturer Tong Chen, and several other Board Directors of New England Chinese Teachers Association, organized a Sino‐U.S. symposium Worldwide Chinese Language Teaching and Chinese Culture at Tufts University. At the conference, Tong Chen gave a talk on “Multimedia Applied in Chinese Language Teaching.” He also gave a talk on  “Computer-Assisted Language Learning in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language” at the same conference at the Workshop to New England area K-12.
  • Portuguese lecturer, Nilma Dominique, organized a workshop for her students on folk music and dance of Brazil featuring Claudia Lyra.

Out and about

  • In March Takako Aikawa attended the Advanced Placement (AP) Japanese Development Committee meeting sponsored by the College Board and Educational Testing Services (ETS) in Atlanta.
  • In February, Dagmar Jaeger’s “Visual Arts, Media, Creative Expression” students participated in a workshop at Harvard University with Japanese/German writer Yoko Tawada.  The workshop was co-sponsored by GSL.