In the Media

  • Ian Condry, professor of Japanese Cultural Studies, participated in a panel discussion on “REBALANCING INEQUALITY,” part of Solve Talks at Google. A VIDEO of the panel is available on YouTube. In other news, Condry’s project, Creative Communities Initiative,  was written up in the Fall 2015 issue of MIT’s magazine, Spectrum. Condry is a professor of Japanese Cultural Studies. • READ ARTICLE •
  • Heather Lee, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, was featured in a podcast The United States of Chinese Food by Gastropod. The website notes that “A fascinating talk she gave at MIT about her research on New York City’s ‘dine & dances’ provided one of the inspirations for this episode.” She is working on a book about the Chinese immigrant experience, and Chinese restaurants in particular, in America. Also, Heather Lee’s article, “The untold story of Chinese restaurants in America” was referenced in “Explaining Chinese Restaurants, Korean Dry Cleaning, and Indian Motels” published in The Atlantic.
  • Shigeru Miyagawa, professor of Linguistics and the Kochi Prefecture-John Manjiro Professor of Japanese Language and Culture, was a finalist for the Japan Prize in Education Media. The Japan Prize is a prestigious international prize awarded to educational broadcast and digital media programs selected from around the world.

Conferences and invited talks

  • Takako Aikawa, senior lecturer in Japanese, presented “Development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Tutor for AP-targetted Japanese MOOC” as part of a panel at the 26th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, on November 1. Aikawa also gave a workshop on “Impact of Technology on Language Education” on September 17 at Berlitz in Princeton, NY.
  • Catherine Clark, assistant professor of French Studies, gave an invited talk, “The Global Photo Story: Henri Cartier-Bresson in China, 1948-1949,” for the Department of International Studies at Texas A&M on October 26. On October 16, Clark was invited to speak for the Toronto Media Studies Group at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. Her talk was: “Touche pas à la femme blanche (1974) and the Modernization of Paris.” Clark also presented “Occupation or Preoccupation?: Jean Yanne’s Les Chinois à Paris (1974)” at the 40 Years of Contemporary French Civilization Conference held in Baltimore, Maryland from September 3-5.
  • Ian Condry spoke at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, on the topic of “Zombie vs. Cyborg Capitalism: Lessons from Japanese Music, Manga, and Anime” on October 12. Condry was also the central organizer of the “disSOLVE unCONFERence” held October 8 at MIT.
  • Nilma Dominique, lecturer in Portuguese, hosted a session at the Boston Book Fair, The Vigor of Brazilian Literature on October 24.
  • Jane Dunphy, senior lecturer in English Language Studies, presented “Expanding Intercultural Competence in TESOL: Three Approaches from Higher Education Contexts,” paper on academic panel, at the SEITAR-USA Conference, October 15-18.  SIETAR is the Society for Intercultural Teaching & Research. On October 23 she presented “Writing Strategy for the Global Reader” at a seminar for the Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, in Woods Hole, MA. And on October 29 she presented “Teaching L2 Writing across Disciplines: A Theoretical and Cultural Framework” for the School of Education at Boston University.
  • Elizabeth Garrels, professor emerita of Spanish and Latin American Studies, was a panel coordinator and paper presenter at a symposium: “Actores, demandas, intersecciones” [Actors, Demands, Intersections] by the Section on The Southern Cone of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) held in August at the Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile. Her paper was entitled “Google comercializa su archivo de libros electrónicos del XIX a expensas del estudio de la temprana cultura impresa de Latinoamérica: el caso de los epígrafes del Facundo” [Google Commercializes Its Digital Archive of 19th-century Books At The Expense of The Study of Early Print Culture in Latin America:  The Case of Epigraphs in The Facundo]. The Panel was “Fronteras de la tecno-esfera: acceso, privatización y tráfico en la Web” [Borders in The Techno-Sphere: Access, Privatization  and Traffic on The Web].
  • Margarita Ribas Groeger, senior lecturer in Spanish, presented on the panel  “A Revolution: How Technology Is Changing Language Learning”  at the Bilingual Education Fair of New York 2015 on October 3 at Hunter College.
  • Sabine Levet, senior lecturer in French, presented at the NERALLT Conference “Transforming Language Learning” on October 23, 2015, at the University of New Hampshire, Durham. She also presented at the Bilingual Education Fair of New York 2015 on October 3 at Hunter College. Her panel was called “Navigating Cultures and Backgrounds: A Discussion on Intercultural Competence.”
  • Min-Min Liang, lecturer in Chinese, presented at Brown University on October 3 at the annual conference of NECLTA (New England Chinese Language Teachers Association) on the topic of “Chinese Puzzle: Student Center Approach to Promoting Literacy Skill.”
  • Haohsiang Liao, senior lecturer in Chinese, gave a presentation at the 48th Annual MaFLA (Massachusetts Foreign Language Association) Fall Conference in Sturbridge on October 30. His presentation was entitled “Perform the Culture: Integration of Behavioral Culture into Instruction.”
  • Shigeru Miyagawa gave the keynote address at the LEARNING WITH MOOCS II – 2015 workshop at Columbia University & Teachers College. VIDEO
  • Leanna Rezvani, lecturer in French, presented “The Heptaméron’s Portrayal of Marguerite de Roberval’s Marooning: Bread, Lions, and the Bible in the Canadian Desert” at the Sixteenth Century Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia on Friday, Oct. 23.
  • Bettina Stoetzer, assistant professor of German Studies, gave a keynote lecture at the CHRONOPOLIS: TIME AND URBAN SPACE conference hosted by the University of Michigan Department for Germanic Languages and Literatures  October 30-31. She also gave a 10 minute commentary at the session on “Life” at a workshop on “Infrastructure, Environment and Life in the Anthropocene” at Concordia University in Montreal on October 20. On October 3, Stoetzer presented a talk titled “In the cracks of matter: thinking with Berlins ruderal ecologies” on a panel on “Flows: Materials, Energy and  Narrative in the Ecological Humanities” at the German Studies Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • Emma Teng, T.T. and Wei Fong Chao Professor of Asian Civilizations at MIT,  gave a talk October 30 entitled “Gender and Hybridity: Shanghai Eurasians in the 1920s and 1930s” for the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard.


  • Catherine Clark’s essay “C’était le Marais en 1970” is due out in the catalogue of the exhibition “Le Marais en heritage(s)” that opens at the Musée Carnavalet in Paris on November 4.
  • Nilma Dominique’s latest article “Os signos não verbais e sua importância na representação cultural de uma sociedade” [Non-verbal signs and their importance in a society’s cultural representation] has just been released in the Fall edition of the The Portuguese Newsletter, a publication of the The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Marie-Hélène Huet’s “Editorial Paternity” was published in Collectionner l’ extraordinaire, Sonder l’ ailleurs, by Encrage in mid-October.