À bout de souffle (“Breathless”) is a 1960 French crime drama film written and directed by Jean-Luc Godard.
The film stars Jean-Paul Belmondo as a wandering criminal named Michel, and Jean Seberg as his American girlfriend Patricia. The film was Godard’s first feature-length work and represented Belmondo’s breakthrough as an actor. 90 minutes. In English and French.
An introduction to the film will be given by Eva Dessein, Senior Lecturer in French.
The event is open only to students enrolled in a French class at MIT.
This three-part film series is held at 5pm in 2-190
March 13: A bout de Souffle/Breathless (Eva Dessein will introduce the movie.)
March 22: Eiffel/Eiffel in Love (Cathy Culot will introduce the movie.)
April 5: Petite maman (Leanna Rezvani will introduce the movie)