The GSL Excellence Awards and Isabelle de Courtivron Writing Prize recipients were recognized at the Awards for Excellence Soirée on Monday, April 25. The German Studies Excellence Award Ceremony was held on Thursday, April 28.
Award for Excellence: Camille Henrot, ’16, Louisville, CO
Distinguished Scholar Award: Derron Browne, ’16, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago; and Eve de la Serna, ’16, Toledo, OH
Left to right: Tong Chen (GSL lecturer), Camille Henrot, Emma Teng (professor and head GSL)
First Prize: Suma Anand, ’17, Newton, MA
Second Prize: Dina Levy-Lambert, ’17,New York, NY; and Lucine Gabriel, ’17, Pittsburgh, PA
Third Prize: Christina Curlette, ’16, Atlanta, GA; Marianna Agudelo, ’16, Roswell, GA; Ola Kalinowska, ’16, Gdansk, Poland; Akshat Bubna, ’18, New Delhi, India; Robert Knighton, ’17 (unknown); Anna Martinez, ,19, Miami, FL; Nina Petelina, ’17, Moscow, Russia
Left to right: Judith Kolakowski (Air Berlin), Suma Anand, Erin Schenk (MIT Germany)
First Prize: Pratyusha (Priya) Kalluri, ’16, Verona, WI
Second Prize: Aneesh Anand, ’17, Newton, MA
Left to right: Priya Kalluri, Aneesh Anand