The 9th International Conference on Internet Chinese Education (ICICE) will be held at the MIT on June 19-21. The theme of the conference is “The Reflection of Chinese Language Teaching and Technology.” The goal is to open up new horizons for Chinese language e-learning.

The event is organized by the Overseas Community Affairs Council of Taiwan (OCAC). First held in 1999, the conference has become one of the three main Chinese language education conferences in the world, as well as the largest and most attention-grabbing Chinese language e-learning forum.

The conference is cosponsored by MIT Global Studies and Languages. GSL Senior Lecturer Haohsiang Liao pointed out that “we are honored to have the opportunity to work with the OCAC and provide a platform for professionals in the field to gather at MIT. The goals of the conference fit well with our mission at MIT. We look forward to a productive conference.” Liao also announced that remarks will be made at the opening session by Dr. Bernd Widdig, Director of International Affairs, Ofice of the Provost, and Professor Emma Teng, incoming Head of Global Studies and Languages.

The conference is expected to draw about 250 teachers, scholars, and other professionals. For more details about the event, visit the Conference website.