Deadline February 17, 2015

The Isabelle de Courtivron Prize seeks student writing submissions on immigrant, diaspora, bicultural, bilingual, and/or mixed-race experiences

Open to all MIT undergraduate students. Entries will be judged by a panel of faculty and professional writers. The winner will be announced on April 1, 2013.

  • The winner will receive a $400 award
  • The winning submission will be featured on the CB/BS website

More information

Apply by February 17, 2015

About the prize

The Isabelle de Courtivron Prize was established by MIT’s Center for Bilingual / Bicultural Studies to reward high-quality undergraduate writing (creative or expository) and to honor distinguished Professor Emerita Isabelle de Courtivron. De Courtivron, a professor in MIT Foreign Languages and Literatures, was one of the founders of the CB/BS. The Prize was established on the occasion of her retirement in 2010 and is awarded on an annual basis.