In an effort to welcome the incoming class of 2027 and provide an opportunity to meet new people and connect over a shared interest in languages, cultural exploration, and Japanese anime, Global Languages along with MISTI sponsored the first-ever Reg Day Movie Night on Kresge Lawn on the evening of September 5, 2023, fall registration day.

New and returning students, freshly arrived at the MIT campus, started to gather at 6pm for ice cream and popcorn under the big tent, while a portable movie screen was being mounted, to show “Summer Wars,” a very popular anime feature from Marmoru Hosoda.

While enjoying their treats and waiting for sunset, students were able to visit an information booth to learn about Global Languages classes and programs, as well as talk to representative from MISTI about their array programs and the application processes. Global Languages staff handed out brochures and swag items, like small towels that came in handy for settling in on the grass for the movie showing.

Around 7pm, several dozen students migrated to the open area in front of the screen to listen to opening remarks from Per Urlaub (pictured above), Director of Global Languages. He was followed by four current students, all of whom had been studying languages and participated in MISTI internships, sharing compelling testimonials about their various experiences abroad. One student of Spanish remarked on useful her language skills were during a group excursion to a volcano in Chile.

Many thanks to the staff at the Office of the First Year, who were very helpful in spreading the word about this event and incorporating it into the programming for fall orientation.