World language enrollments have seen a steady decrease across the U.S. in recent years. While many college students are interested in maintaining or expanding their language proficiency, their course schedules often do not allow them to take a traditional multi-credit course sequence in a world language.

Languages Across the Curriculum (LAC) offers flexible models of instruction that gives students multiple opportunities to meaningfully use languages they know or are learning while integrating language into disciplinary areas. At Cornell University, LAC classes add one-credit language sections to courses across the institution. The focus of LAC classes is not language itself but rather field-specific academic discourse, specialized vocabulary, and technical terms drawn from the parent class.

In addition to preparing students for the multilingual and multicultural perspectives of today’s world, LAC provides valuable teaching opportunities for graduate students in the disciplines and underscores the importance of language as a means to access, generate, and disseminate knowledge.

Events in this series

  • Mon. Feb 24 – Felix Kronenberg, “Designing Physical Language Learning Spaces in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing”
  • Mon. Mar 9 – Angelika Kraemer, “Languages Across the Curriculum”
  • Mon. Apr 27 – Sébastien Dubreil: “Design thinking and/in L2 learning”


Angelika Kraemer
  • Director, Language Resource Center, Cornell University

Angelika Kraemer is the Director of the Language Resource Center at Cornell University and an affiliated Senior Lecturer in the Department of German Studies. Her research interests include second language acquisition, specifically the role of technology in learning and teaching, program development, community engagement and service learning, and assessment. She currently serves as President-Elect of the International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT) and as Co-Editor of the AATG journal Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German. Angelika is a regular speaker at regional, national, and international conferences and has published in various journals and edited volumes. She is also a co-host on the popular SLA podcast Talkin’ L2 with BVP.